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Night Moves (Drama): 69 out of 100: You do have to be in the mood to see this independent film as it moves along at a very slow pace. Viewers who dislike little action and many scenes without dialogue will be frustrated by the lack of urgency in telling the story. However, if slow-burning tension is your style, you should appreciate the messages that are conveyed.
The plot focuses on three environmentalists who stage an explosion of a hydroelectric dam to protest the destruction of nature. All three principal actors are solid and even Jesse Eisenberg delivers a restrained performance. Sometimes his rapid-fire speech and anxious mannerisms can grate on one's nerves but this time around he's not as annoying.
Kudos must go to the cinematography with some beautiful shots of the natural setting while the music score is haunting and ethereal. The direction by Kelly Reichardt is assured but frustrates at times with its occasional long scenes of 'nothingness'.
"Night Moves" is not a film for everyone. It will mostly appeal to those who love independent, art house movies and it's no wonder that it has appealed to many critics.
Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Dakota Fanning and Peter Sarsgaard
(112 minutes)
Parental advice: Nudity, mature themes and coarse language
Additional scene during or after credits: No (Movie trailer)
(Reviewed on Tuesday 16th September, 2014)

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