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Why going to the cinema by yourself isn't such a bad thing:
1) You are not distracted by what is happening in the movie. It is annoying when someone talks to you during a very important scene.
2) People say they go to the movies to socialise. How can you socialise when you are supposed to be concentrating on the movie you are seeing? Go and socialise at a place where you can make as much noise as you want.
3) You don't have to wait for someone to see the movie with you. Go to the cinema wherever and whenever you want.
4) If you like to stay until the end of the credits you won't have to worry about pesky friends who are hurrying you to leave the cinema.
5) You can stretch out and relax as much as you want when nobody is sitting next to you. Now that is what I call seeing a movie in peace and comfort.
(Written on Saturday 30th August, 2014)

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