Malaysian Censorship
If you ever want to see a movie in Malaysia, check out what the parental advice is, for if it includes adult themes, coarse language, extreme violence, nudity or sex scenes, chances are that it will be heavily censored. Whenever I visit Malaysia and wish to see a movie, I try my best to seek out a family-friendly movie knowing that this will not be cut. I have seen a few movies in Malaysia and the cuts can ruin a movie. I don't pay any attention to film reviewers in Malaysia because they haven't actually seen the whole movie. Even Singapore has cuts. I saw A Good Day to Die Hard there a couple of years ago and all the 'f' words were replaced with alternative words. John McClane's trademark "Yippee ki-yay, motherf...!" was nowhere to be heard. I'm so glad that Thailand has relaxed its censorship laws. When I first started seeing movies there about eight years ago, nudity and sex scenes were pixelated. As adults, we should be responsible to make our own decisions. I don't need governments telling me what I can and cannot see!