I might not have many readers but it's the small group of loyal followers that keeps me going. Their feedback encourages me to continue my reviews. I've had a couple of people who have publicly derided my reviews so they have been blocked. I don't mind constructive criticism but not for everyone to see. There was one person who only read a few of my reviews but criticised each one I wrote. I must admit that I am disappointed with some friends and colleagues who haven't even bothered with reading at least one of my reviews but that's their prerogative. Some of these people have sent me invitations to read their pages but I don't bother as they haven't afforded the time to check out my page. Many thanks to those readers who have read most or all of my reviews. You know who you are. I appreciate it even if you read only a couple of my reviews. At least you're giving me a fair go unlike some so-called friends. They won't even know that I have criticised them because they have never accessed my page!