Roseville Cinema
I've been meaning to write about my experience from several years ago with this cinema and it's just now that I've remembered to express my thoughts. If you are familiar with this cinema, it's only a short walk across the road from Roseville train station in Sydney's North Shore. I had a free in-season double pass to use but I only wanted one ticket as nobody wanted to see the movie with me. It was a movie that wasn't on the "No free tickets" restriction list. There wasn't anything on the pass or on the website saying that the tickets could not be used. Well, I was made to feel like an idiot. The box office attendant was rude and said the pass could only be used for two people. I suggested that the next person to come along who wanted to see that movie could have the other free ticket. Then another excuse was made up on the spot to say that the tickets couldn't be used at all. I checked the website later that night and you wouldn't believe it, the dispute with me led them to change the rules regarding free tickets which made it virtually impossible for anyone to use a free ticket there. Since then, whenever in-season tickets are given away, Roseville Cinema is one of the cinemas listed on the pass itself that stipulates that the ticket cannot be exchanged at the box office. I no longer visit Roseville Cinema as a result and even if I was paying to see movies in Sydney, I would boycott them due to their poor service and attitude.