Time Flies - 1984
It's hard to believe that it's been 30 years since some of my childhood favourites were released. I still remember seeing some of these movies like it were yesterday. It's scary to think that in another 30 years, it will have been 60 years since these films were released and many of these actors who featured in these films will be long gone. These were the highest grossing films in North America in 1984, with the movies I saw at the cinema indicated by (yes) in brackets:
1) Ghostbusters (yes)
2) Beverly Hills Cop (yes)
3) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (yes)
4) Gremlins (yes)
5) The Karate Kid (yes)
6) Police Academy (yes)
7) Footloose
8) The Terminator (yes)
9) Romancing the Stone (yes)
10) Star Trek III: The Search for Spock